Sunday, May 29, 2011

gypsy side piece

Start of a new gypsy side piece. A bit over two hours to put the outline down.This guy sat like a rock, no movement or complaining, just pure dedication and a great sitting effort ! The guy does box after all , Pain is probably his friend!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gypsy moon girl

Another Gypsy influenced topic here.Its also in its final stages of being complete as a tattoo.
Sooo many gypsy girl requests! Its a good thing I have heaps of fun creating them or I could go slightly mad......

Rams head

This piece is for a full front chest and stomach tattoo.There will be extra graphic elements to gritty up this piece a little.The design was taken from a building in Vienna that caught my eye when on my last holiday in europe.The rams were made from some sort of black stone and looked amazing! 

Water siren

Heres a newer study for the top section of a water themed full sleeve.The guy whos getting tattooed is a navy guy. Looking forward to completing this section of the tattoo.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

siren study

Here is a computerised hand drawn study for a top section of a full sleeve.The bottom half of the sleeve will have a hand reaching from the water suggesting a drowning man who is seduced by the sound of the siren playing her harp. The piece has a kind of classic greek mythology colour palette influence. There will definitely be a prisma colour pencil study coming shortly. I have a lot of backed up studies to be scanned and presented!